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Bart King

Kategorie:Cizojazyčné knihy / Anglické knihy
Nakladatelství:Gibbs M. Smith
Rok vydání:2008
Další informace:Paperback, 272 stran. Many of the greatest leaders and geniuses in history were mischief makers. They were the brave women who looked at how unfair the world was and said, "I can do better than that." They were the stalwart men who saw stupidity and asked, "Why do we have to do it that way?" And they were the delightful children who ganged up on the neighborhood bully and hit him with wet noodles until he said, "Uncle!" It has also been history's mischief makers who have had the courage to point out things like slavery, global warming, and turtleneck sweaters are bad. And these are also the people who pulled off some of the greatest hoaxes and practical jokes of all time. Their achievements include the Boston Tea Party, the "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast of 1938, and the Cheese Whiz Disaster of 2008. In honor of them, we introduce "The Pocket Guide to Mischief", the perfect addition to any prankster's collection as well as a fun-filled how-to for the budding troublemaker in all of us.

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